

  • 作者: 杨思影
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2024-09-26



The Complete Book of Chinese Astrology by Joey Yap

Chinese Astrology: The Secrets of Your Birth Chart by Raymond Lo

The Chinese Zodiac: A Complete Guide to the Animals and Their Signs by Theodora Lau

The Four Pillars of Destiny: A Guide to Chinese Astrology by Lillian Too

The I Ching: A Guide to the Ancient Chinese Oracle by Richard Wilhelm

The Tao of Astrology: A Guide to the Chinese Zodiac by Susan Levitt

The Way of the Chinese Zodiac: A Guide to the Chinese Animal Signs by Theodora Lau

Your Chinese Horoscope: A Complete Guide to the Year of the [Animal] by Theodora Lau


El Libro de la Astrología China (Spanish) by Joey Yap

Astrologia Chinesa: Os Segredos do Seu Mapa Astral (Portuguese) by Raymond Lo

Le Zodiaque Chinois: Un Guide Complet des Animaux et de Leurs Signes (French) by Theodora Lau

Die Vier S?ulen des Schicksals: Ein Leitfaden zur chinesischen Astrologie (German) by Lillian Too

Das I Ging: Ein Leitfaden zum antiken chinesischen Orakel (German) by Richard Wilhelm

Der Tao der Astrologie: Ein Leitfaden zum chinesischen Tierkreis (German) by Susan Levitt

Der Weg des chinesischen Tierkreises: Ein Leitfaden zu den chinesischen Tierzeichen (German) by Theodora Lau

Ihr chinesisches Horoskop: Ein vollst?ndiger Leitfaden zum Jahr des [Tier] (German) by Theodora Lau



The Complete Book of Chinese Astrology by Joey Yap

Chinese Astrology: The Secrets of Your Birth Chart by Peter So

The Chinese Zodiac: A Complete Guide to the Animals and Their Signs by Suzanne White

The I Ching: A Guide to the Ancient Chinese Oracle by Richard Wilhelm

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

The Analects of Confucius by Confucius

The Bhagavad Gita by Vyasa

The Upanishads by Various Authors


四柱推命入門 by 沢木健

易経入門 by 沢木健

算命学入門 by 沢木健

紫微斗数入門 by 沢木健

九星気学入門 by 沢木健

風水入門 by 沢木健

姓名判断入門 by 沢木健

手相入門 by 沢木健

人相入門 by 沢木健

気学入門 by 沢木健


四柱命理学 by 徐乐吾

易经 by 孔子

道德经 by 老子

孙子兵法 by 孙武

三命通会 by 万民英

子平真诠 by 徐乐吾

滴天髓 by 袁忠彻

穷通宝鉴 by 沈孝瞻

渊海子平 by 沈孝瞻

紫微斗数全书 by 陈希夷



The Complete Book of Astrology,作者:Alan Leo

Astrology for Dummies,作者:Rae Orion

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need,作者:Joanna Martine Woolfolk

The Astrology Bible,作者:Judy Hall

The Secret Language of Astrology,作者:David Pond


The Complete Book of Tarot,作者:Anthony Louis

Tarot for Beginners,作者:Brigit Esselmont

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot,作者:Liz Dean

The RiderWaite Tarot Book,作者:Arthur Edward Waite

The Thoth Tarot Book,作者:Aleister Crowley


The I Ching or Book of Changes,作者:Richard Wilhelm

The I Ching: A New Interpretation for Modern Times,作者:John Blofeld

The I Ching: A Guide to Life's Synchronicities,作者:Alfred Huang

The I Ching: The Book of Wisdom and Change,作者:Stephen Karcher

The I Ching: The Oracle of Change,作者:Brian Browne Walker


The Book of Runes,作者:Ralph Blum

The Kabbalah: A Guide to Jewish Mysticism,作者:Daniel C. Matt

The Numerology Book,作者:Lynda Hill

The Palmistry Bible,作者:Richard Unger

The Art of Feng Shui,作者:Terence Conran



IBM Watson Personality Insights: 分析文本数据(如社交媒体帖子、电子邮件)以创建个性档案,并提供职业建议、关系建议等。

Google Cloud AutoML Tables: 使用机器学习算法从表格数据中提取模式,并预测未来事件,例如股票价格或客户流失。


Facebook Audience Insights: 分析 Facebook 用户数据以识别目标受众、了解他们的兴趣和行为。

Google Trends: 跟踪搜索查询的流行度,以了解趋势和预测未来需求。


贝叶斯网络: 使用概率模型来预测事件的可能性,例如疾病诊断或金融风险。

回归分析: 确定变量之间的关系,并预测基于一个变量的另一个变量的值。


脑电图 (EEG) 分析: 测量大脑活动以识别情绪状态、认知功能和潜在疾病。

功能性磁共振成像 (fMRI): 测量大脑活动以了解认知过程、决策制定和社会互动。


量子算命: 利用量子力学原理来解决复杂问题,例如预测市场趋势或模拟药物相互作用。

区块链算命: 使用分布式账本技术来创建不可篡改的算命记录,确保透明度和可信度。

虚拟现实算命: 使用虚拟现实技术创建沉浸式体验,让用户探索不同的未来场景并做出决策。